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License for use Style Workshops

Enclosed please the materials developed by Image Masters.

After signing this license, you have the right to copy the worksheets and data sheets on this CD-Rom in order to:

  • Hand out the worksheets to your clients, either individually or in groups;
  • Hand out the sheets as far as they apply to your client(s).

You may never, under no circumstance, lend, give away or sell the Style for Women materials integrally to a third party, not in totality nor in any other form, not as an entire subject group or a group of data sheets, such as “body shapes” or “special features”. The ownership remains with Image Masters. It is not allowed to remake the materials.

You are solely responsible for the consultations you will be giving. Image Masters cannot be held responsible for any consequence occurring as a result of your choice of the material provided.

It is not permitted to use or multiply the Style for Women materials in order to train image consultants. Should you want to use the material for this purpose you need to request written permission from Image Masters.

In case of conflicting actions to this license Image Masters will assess the damage, and charge you accordingly. In case a specific arrangement is required you should always get in touch with Image Masters in order to find a suitable solution.

We hope you will appreciate the materials offered and that you will enjoy working with them.

Image Masters

Riet de Vlieger